LoneWolfHT 81d7553f7c
Add Sticky grenades ()
* Improved grenade API
* Added sticky grenade
* Improved grenade textures
2020-09-12 20:10:40 -07:00

1.2 KiB

Grenades API

Please suggest new features here:


grenades.register_grenade("name", { -- Name of the grenade (Like 'smoke' or 'flashbang')
	description = "", -- A short description of the grenade.
	image = "", -- The name of the grenade's texture
	on_explode = function(pos, name)
		-- This function is called when the grenade 'explodes'
		-- <pos> the place the grenade 'exploded' at
		-- <name> the name of the player that threw the grenade
	on_collide = function(obj, name)
	-- This function is called when the grenade collides with a surface
	-- <obj> the grenade object
	-- <name> the name of the player that threw the grenade
	-- return true to cause grenade explosion
	-- return "stop" to stop the grenade from moving
	clock = 3, -- Optional, controls how long until grenade detonates. Default is 3
	particle = { -- Adds particles in the grenade's trail
		image = "grenades_smoke.png", -- The particle's image
		life = 1, -- How long (seconds) it takes for the particle to disappear
		size = 4, -- Size of the particle
		glow = 0, -- Brightens the texture in darkness
		interval = 5, -- How long it takes before a particle can be added