// Foundation for Sites by ZURB // foundation.zurb.com // Licensed under MIT Open Source //// /// @group breakpoints //// // scss-lint:disable ZeroUnit /// A list of named breakpoints. You can use these with the `breakpoint()` mixin to quickly create media queries. /// @type Map $breakpoints: ( small: 0, medium: 640px, large: 1024px, xlarge: 1200px, xxlarge: 1440px, ) !default; $-zf-zero-breakpoint: small !default; @if nth(map-values($breakpoints), 1) != 0 { @error 'Your smallest breakpoint (defined in $breakpoints) must be set to "0".'; } @else { $-zf-zero-breakpoint: nth(map-keys($breakpoints), 1); } /// All of the names in this list will be output as classes in your CSS, like `.small-12`, `.medium-6`, and so on. Each value in this list must also be in the `$breakpoints` map. /// @type List $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large) !default; /// Generates a media query string matching the input value. Refer to the documentation for the `breakpoint()` mixin to see what the possible inputs are. /// /// @param {Keyword|Number} $val [small] - Breakpoint name, or px, rem, or em value to process. @function breakpoint($val: $-zf-zero-breakpoint) { // Size or keyword $bp: nth($val, 1); // Value for max-width media queries $bp-max: 0; // Direction of media query (up, down, or only) $dir: if(length($val) > 1, nth($val, 2), up); // Eventual output $str: ''; // Is it a named media query? $named: false; // Orientation media queries have a unique syntax @if $bp == 'landscape' or $bp == 'portrait' { @return '(orientation: #{$bp})'; } @else if $bp == 'retina' { @return '(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)'; } // Try to pull a named breakpoint out of the $breakpoints map @if type-of($bp) == 'string' { @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $bp) { @if $dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down' { $bp-max: -zf-map-next($breakpoints, $bp); } $bp: map-get($breakpoints, $bp); $named: true; } @else { $bp: 0; @warn 'breakpoint(): "#{$val}" is not defined in your $breakpoints setting.'; } } // Convert any pixel, rem, or unitless value to em $bp: -zf-bp-to-em($bp); @if $bp-max { $bp-max: -zf-bp-to-em($bp-max) - (1/16); } // Conditions to skip media query creation // - It's a named breakpoint that resolved to "0 down" or "0 up" // - It's a numeric breakpoint that resolved to "0 " + anything @if $bp > 0em or $dir == 'only' or $dir == 'down' { // `only` ranges use the format `(min-width: n) and (max-width: n)` @if $dir == 'only' { // Only named media queries can have an "only" range @if $named == true { // Only use "min-width" if the floor is greater than 0 @if $bp > 0em { $str: $str + '(min-width: #{$bp})'; // Only add "and" to the media query if there's a ceiling @if $bp-max != null { $str: $str + ' and '; } } // Only use "max-width" if there's a ceiling @if $bp-max != null { $str: $str + '(max-width: #{$bp-max})'; } } @else { @warn 'breakpoint(): Only named media queries can have an `only` range.'; } } // `down` ranges use the format `(max-width: n)` @else if $dir == 'down' { $max: if($named, $bp-max, $bp); // Skip media query creation if input value is exactly "0 down", // unless the function was called as "small down", in which case it's just "small only" @if $named or $bp > 0em { @if $max != null { $str: $str + '(max-width: #{$max})'; } } } // `up` ranges use the format `(min-width: n)` @else if $bp > 0em { $str: $str + '(min-width: #{$bp})'; } } @return $str; } /// Wraps a media query around the content you put inside the mixin. This mixin accepts a number of values: /// - If a string is passed, the mixin will look for it in the `$breakpoints` map, and use a media query there. /// - If a pixel value is passed, it will be converted to an em value using `$global-font-size` as the base. /// - If a rem value is passed, the unit will be changed to em. /// - If an em value is passed, the value will be used as-is. /// /// @param {Keyword|Number} $value - Breakpoint name, or px, rem, or em value to process. /// /// @output If the breakpoint is "0px and larger", outputs the content as-is. Otherwise, outputs the content wrapped in a media query. @mixin breakpoint($value) { $str: breakpoint($value); // If $str is still an empty string, no media query is needed @if $str == '' { @content; } // Otherwise, wrap the content in a media query @else { @media screen and #{$str} { @content; } } } /// Convers the breakpoints map to a URL-encoded string, like this: `key1=value1&key2=value2`. The value is then dropped into the CSS for a special `<meta>` tag, which is read by the Foundation JavaScript. This is how we transfer values from Sass to JavaScript, so they can be defined in one place. /// @access private /// /// @param {Map} $map - Map to convert. /// /// @returns {String} A string containing the map's contents. @function -zf-bp-serialize($map) { $str: ''; @each $key, $value in $map { $str: $str + $key + '=' + -zf-bp-to-em($value) + '&'; } $str: str-slice($str, 1, -2); @return $str; } /// Find the next key in a map. /// @access private /// /// @param {Map} $map - Map to traverse. /// @param {Mixed} $key - Key to use as a starting point. /// /// @returns {Mixed} The value for the key after `$key`, if `$key` was found. If `$key` was not found, or `$key` was the last value in the map, returns `null`. @function -zf-map-next($map, $key) { // Store the values of the map as a list, so we can access them with nth $values: map-values($map); // Ghetto for loop $i: 1; $found: false; @each $val in map-keys($map) { @if $found == false { @if ($key == $val) { $found: true; } $i: $i + 1; } } // If the key doesn't exist, or it's the last key in the map, return null @if $i > length($map) { @return null; } // Otherwise, return the value @else { @return nth($values, $i); } } /// Get a value for a breakpoint from a responsive config map. If the config map has the key `$value`, the exact breakpoint value is returned. If the config map does *not* have the breakpoint, the value matching the next lowest breakpoint in the config map is returned. /// @access private /// /// @param {Map} $map - Input config map. /// @param {Keyword} $value - Breakpoint name to use. /// /// @return {Mixed} The corresponding breakpoint value. @function -zf-get-bp-val($map, $value) { // Check if the breakpoint name exists globally @if not map-has-key($breakpoints, $value) { @return null; } // Check if the breakpoint name exists in the local config map @else if map-has-key($map, $value) { // If it does, just return the value @return map-get($map, $value); } // Otherwise, find the next lowest breakpoint and return that value @else { $anchor: null; $found: false; @each $key, $val in $breakpoints { @if not $found { @if map-has-key($map, $key) { $anchor: $key; } @if $key == $value { $found: true; } } } @return map-get($map, $anchor); } } // Legacy breakpoint variables // These will be removed in 6.3 $small-up: null; $small-only: null; $medium-up: null; $medium-only: null; $large-up: null; $large-only: null; $xlarge-up: null; $xlarge-only: null; $xxlarge-up: null; $xxlarge-only: null; @if map-has-key($breakpoints, small) { $small-up: screen; $small-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(small only)}'); } @if map-has-key($breakpoints, medium) { $medium-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(medium)}'); $medium-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(medium only)}'); } @if map-has-key($breakpoints, large) { $large-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(large)}'); $large-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(large only)}'); } @if map-has-key($breakpoints, xlarge) { $xlarge-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(xlarge)}'); $xlarge-only: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(xlarge only)}'); } @if map-has-key($breakpoints, xxlarge) { $xxlarge-up: unquote('screen and #{breakpoint(xxlarge)}'); }