------------- -- Helpers -- ------------- local function return_as_chat_result(to, target) local players = ctf_stats.get_ordered_players() local name, place, stat if type(target) == "number" then place = target stat = players[target] name = stat.name elseif type(target) == "string" then -- If target is a string, search through the player stats for a match name = target for i = 1, #players do local pstat = players[i] if pstat.name == name then stat = pstat place = i break end end -- If stat does not exist yet, set place to size of players + 1 if not place then place = #players + 1 end else error("Invalid type passed to return_as_chat_result!", 2) end -- Build return string local result = minetest.colorize("#63d437", (to == name and "You are in " or name .. " is in ")) .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", place .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", " place.\n")) if stat then local kd = stat.kills if stat.deaths > 1 then kd = kd / stat.deaths end result = result .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", "Kills: ") .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", stat.kills .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", " | Deaths: ")) .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", stat.deaths .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", " | K/D: ")) .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", math.floor(kd * 10) / 10 .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", "\nBounty kills: ")) .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", stat.bounty_kills .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", " | Captures: ") .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", stat.captures .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", " | Attempts: ")) .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", stat.attempts .. minetest.colorize("#63d437", "\nScore: ")) .. minetest.colorize("#ffea00", math.floor(stat.score))) end return result end local function summary_func(name) local fs = ctf_stats.get_formspec_match_summary(ctf_stats.current, ctf_stats.winner_team, ctf_stats.winner_player, ctf_match.get_match_duration()) fs = fs .. "button[6,7.5;4,1;b_prev;<< Previous match]" minetest.log("action", name .. " requested match summary formspec") minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf_stats:match_summary", fs) end ------------------- -- Chat-commands -- ------------------- minetest.register_chatcommand("summary", { description = "Display the match summary", func = summary_func }) minetest.register_chatcommand("s", { description = "Display the match summary", func = summary_func }) minetest.register_chatcommand("r", { params = "[<name> | <rank>]", description = "Display rankings of yourself, or another player or rank, as a chat result.", func = function(name, param) local target, error = ctf_stats.get_target(name, param) if not target then return false, error end minetest.log("action", name .. " runs /r " .. param) return true, return_as_chat_result(name, target) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("rn", { params = "<rank>", description = "Display rankings of player at the specified rank.", func = function(name, param) if not param or param == "" then return false, "Empty arguments not allowed! Specify a rank." end param = tonumber(param) if not param then return false, "Argument isn't a valid number!" elseif param <= 0 or param > #ctf_stats.get_ordered_players() or param ~= math.floor(param) then return false, "Invalid number or number out of bounds!" -- TODO: This is the worst way to do it. FIX IT. end minetest.log("action", name .. " runs /rn " .. param) return true, return_as_chat_result(name, param) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("rankings", { params = "[<name> | <rank>]", description = "Display rankings of yourself, or another player or rank.", func = function(name, param) local target, error = ctf_stats.get_target(name, param) if not target then return false, error end minetest.log("action", name .. " runs /rankings " .. param) if not minetest.get_player_by_name(name) then return true, return_as_chat_result(name, target) else minetest.show_formspec(name, "ctf_stats:rankings", ctf_stats.get_formspec( "Player Rankings", ctf_stats.get_ordered_players(), 0, target)) return true end end }) local reset_y = {} minetest.register_chatcommand("reset_rankings", { params = "[<name>]", description = "Reset the rankings of yourself or another player", func = function(name, param) param = param:trim() if param ~= "" and not minetest.check_player_privs(name, {ctf_admin = true}) then return false, "Missing privilege: ctf_admin" end local reset_name = param == "" and name or param if not ctf_stats.players[reset_name] then return false, "Player '" .. reset_name .. "' does not exist." end if reset_name == name and not reset_y[name] then reset_y[name] = true minetest.after(30, function() reset_y[name] = nil end) return true, "This will reset your stats and rankings completely." .. " You will lose access to any special privileges such as the" .. " team chest or userlimit skip. This is irreversable. If you're" .. " sure, re-type /reset_rankings within 30 seconds to reset." end reset_y[name] = nil ctf_stats.players[reset_name] = nil ctf_stats.player(reset_name) ctf_stats.request_save() if reset_name == name then minetest.log("action", name .. " reset their rankings") else minetest.log("action", name .. " reset rankings of " .. reset_name) end return true, "Successfully reset the stats and ranking of " .. reset_name end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("transfer_rankings", { params = "<src> <dest>", description = "Transfer rankings of one player to another.", privs = {ctf_admin = true}, func = function(name, param) if not param then return false, "Invalid usage, see /help transfer_rankings" end local src, dest = param:trim():match("([%a%d_-]+) ([%a%d_-]+)") if not src or not dest then return false, "Invalid usage, see /help transfer_rankings" end if not ctf_stats.players[src] then return false, "Player '" .. src .. "' does not exist." end if not ctf_stats.players[dest] then return false, "Player '" .. dest .. "' does not exist." end if src == dest then return false, "Source name and destination name cannot be the same!" end ctf_stats.players[dest] = ctf_stats.players[src] ctf_stats.players[src] = nil ctf_stats.request_save() minetest.log("action", name .. " transferred stats of " .. src .. " to " .. dest) return true, "Stats of '" .. src .. "' have been transferred to '" .. dest .. "'." end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("makepro", { params = "[player_name]", description = "Make player a pro", privs = {ctf_admin = true}, func = function(name, param) -- Check if param is specified, else target the caller param = param:trim() if param == "" then param = name end local modified = false local stats = ctf_stats.player(param) local deaths = math.max(stats.deaths, 1) if stats.kills < 1.5 * deaths then stats.kills = math.ceil(1.51 * deaths) modified = true end if stats.score < 10000 then stats.score = 10000 modified = true end if modified then ctf_stats.request_save() return true, "Made " .. param .. " a pro!" else return false, param .. " is already a pro!" end end })