# CTF Map - Map maker ## Creating a new map ### Youtube tutorial https://youtu.be/orBsC9wViUw ### 1. Dependencies * Minetest 5.0.0 or later. * `ctf_map` modpack (by copying the folder from this game to `minetest/mods`) * `worldedit` and `worldedit_commands`. ### 2. Find an area * Can use Minetest Game and any mapgen. * It must be a cube, and the barrier will be in the exact center. * It should be around 230x230 in surface area, but this can be lesser. * Feel free to modify the area to your needs. ### 3. Select the area There are multiple ways do this, this is the simplest in most cases. * If you haven't modified the map at all, do the following to speed up barrier placement: * Stop Minetest. * Open up the world's world.mt * Set backend to "dummy". * Save. * Using worldedit, select the area. * Type `/gui`, and click `Player pos` then `From WE` and then `To WE`. * Check that the center location is the right place for the barrier to go. * Check that the bounds extend far enough. ### 4. Place barriers * Set the middle barrier direction. The barrier is a plane defined by a co-ordinate = 0. If the barrier is X=0, then it will placed with every node of the barrier having X=0. If the barrier is Z=0, then it will placed with every node of the barrier having Z=0. * Click "place barrier". Note that this command does not have an undo. * After placing barriers you should place 2 flags where you want bases to be. You get flags in `/gui` --> `Giveme flags` ### 5. Meta data * Set the meta data ### 6. Export * Click export, and wait until completion. * Copy the resultant folder from `worlddir/schems/` into `ctf_map/ctf_map_core/maps/`. * Profit! ## Documentation ### Map meta Each map's metadata is stored in an accompanying .conf file containing the following data: * `name`: Name of map. * `author`: Author of the map. * `hint`: [Optional] Helpful hint or tip for unique maps, to help players understand the map. * `rotation`: Rotation of the schem. [`x`|`z`] * `r`: Radius of the map. * `h`: Height of the map. * `team.i`: Name of team `i`. * `team.i.color`: Color of team `i`. * `team.i.pos`: Position of team `i`'s flag, relative to center of schem. * `chests.i.from`, `chests.i.to`: [Optional] Positions of diagonal corners of custom chest zone `i`, relative to the center of the schem. * `chests.i.n`: [Optional] Number of chests to place in custom chest zone `i`. * `license`: Name of the license of the map. * `other`: [Optional] Misc. information about the map. This is displayed in the maps catalog. * `base_node`: [Optional] Technical name of node to be used for the team base. * `schematic`: Name of the map's schematic. * `initial_stuff`: [Optional] Comma-separated list of itemstacks to be given to the player on join and on respawn. * `treasures`: [Optional] List of treasures to be registered for the map, in a serialized format. Refer to the `treasures` sub-section for more details. * `start_time`: [Optional] Time at start of match. Defaults to `0.4` [`0` - `1`]. * `time_speed`: [Optional] Time speed multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1. * `phys_speed`: [Optional] Player speed multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1. * `phys_jump`: [Optional] Player jump multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1. * `phys_gravity`: [Optional] Player gravity multiplier. Accepts any valid number. Defaults to 1. #### `license` * Every map must have its own license. Once you've chosen your license, simply add the following line to the map's `.conf` file: ```lua license = <name> ``` * If attribution is required (for example if you modify other's map and you have to tell who is author of the original map), that has to be appended to the `license` field. If you want to tell more infomation, you can use: ```lua others = <description> ``` * If you don't know which license to use, [this list of CC licenses](https://creativecommons.org/use-remix/cc-licenses/) can help you. * We can only accept Free Software licenses, e.g.`CC BY-SA 4.0`. * Please know what you are doing when choosing a certain license. For example, you can read information about various licenses and/or consult a lawyer. #### `treasures` `treasures` is a list of treasures to be registered for this map in serialized format. An example `treasures` value that registers steel pick, shotgun, and grenade: ```lua treasures = default:pick_steel,0.5,5,1,10;shooter:shotgun,0.04,2,1;shooter:grenade,0.08,2,1 ``` (See [here](../../../other/treasurer/README.md) to understand the magic numbers) ### `screenshot` Every map must have its own screenshot in map's folder. It should have an aspect ratio of 3:2 (screenshot 600x400px is suggested). It should be named `screenshot.png`. ### `skybox` [Optional] Six images which should be in map's folder. * `skybox_1.png` - up * `skybox_2.png` - down * `skybox_3.png` - east * `skybox_4.png` - west * `skybox_5.png` - south * `skybox_6.png` - north You have to include skybox license in `license` in `.conf` file. We can only accept Free Software licenses, e.g. `CC0`, `CC BY 3.0`, `CC BY 4.0`, `CC BY-SA 3.0`, `CC BY-SA 4.0`. You can find some good skyboxes with suitable licenses at [https://opengameart.org](https://opengameart.org/art-search-advanced?field_art_tags_tid=skybox). ## Editing exported map The easiest way to edit exported maps is the following: * Create a world using `singlenode` mapgen. Enable `WorldEdit` and `ctf_map` mod, * Go in the world's folder, create a folder named `schems`, and place the `.mts` file inside, * Start the game, `/grantme all` and enable `fly` (there is no ground in singlenode mapgen), * Do `//1` to set the position where you will generate the map, * Do `//mtschemplace yourschematic` (where `yourschematic` is the name of the mts file without `.mts`). When you finish: * Place `//1` and `//2` exactly in opposite corners of map (cube), * Do `//mtschemcreate <new_name>` to create new edited `.mts` file. It will be saved in `schems` folder.