# ChristBASHTree You know, a Christmas tree on Bash :) ![Screenshot](./screenshot.png?raw=true) # Usage Via cURL: ``` # English version curl https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree/raw/branch/master/tree-EN.sh | bash # Spanish version curl https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree/raw/branch/master/tree-ES.sh | bash # German version curl https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree/raw/branch/master/tree-DE.sh | bash ``` Via Wget: ``` # English version wget -qO- https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree/raw/branch/master/tree-EN.sh | bash # Spanish version wget -qO- https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree/raw/branch/master/tree-ES.sh | bash # German version wget -qO- https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree/raw/branch/master/tree-DE.sh | bash ``` Docker: ``` docker pull sergiolepore/christbashtree:latest docker run -it sergiolepore/christbashtree:latest ``` Git clone and execute: ``` git clone https://git.sp-codes.de/denyskon/ChristBASHTree.git && cd ./ChristBASHTree && bash tree-EN.sh ``` __Enjoy!__ # FAQ ## License? [Do what you want with it](./LICENSE) license. ## Will it run under _whatever-OS_? Only GNU/Linux and Unix flavors. ## What OS are you using? Ubuntu 17.10. ## What about your terminal emulator? [Tilix](https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/) ## And your color palette? Custom, based on Atom's "One Dark" theme. ## Contributors [Here](https://github.com/sergiolepore/ChristBASHTree/graphs/contributors)